August 2022 – Rotterdam and Singapore establish green shipping corridor

Two of the world’s leading bunkering ports have signed an MoU to promote the use of green fuels for shipping by 2027. Although multiple alternatives to MGO exist, each with their own pros and cons, these initiatives underscore the importance of making this shift within the shipping industry happen.

June 2022 – CMA CGM orders first methanol vessels

Although the debate in the shipping world about clean fuels for propulsion is not coming to a general conclusion as of yet, forward thinking carrier CMA CGM bites the bullet with a bold order for 6 methanol fueled container vessels. More to come!

March 2022 – Energy security is top of mind

Against the dramatic backdrop of the war, unfolding between Russia and the Ukraine, the topic of energy security is high on every nation’s agenda. The humanitarian crisis is unprecedented and our thoughts are with the millions of refugees leaving the Ukraine and the brave men fighting the war against Russia.

October 2021 – EU grant application

SwitcH2, jointly with academic and various industry partners, has filed an application under the EIC Pathfinder Program, part of Europe’s Horizon 2020. Siemens Energy acts as a support partner.

July 2021

The demand site for green shipping fuels is undisputed
Norwegian’s SINTEF confirms the tremendous demand for green ammonia for long haul shipping.