6 September 2022 – Grant application has been filed!

6 September 2022 – Grant application has been filed!

SwitcH2 and industry partners filed an application under the MOOI grant: Missiegedreven Onderzoek  Ontwikkeling en Innovatie, managed by RVO on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Nehterlands on September 6. We expect to hear back within 13 weeks and obviously would be very pleased to gain this support from the Dutch state for the development of our green FPSO. 

Jord has invested in SwitcH2 BV to jointly finalize the design of the 300 MW Offshore Floating Ammonia Project.
Switch2 and CorPower Ocean Partner on Wave-Powered Green Ammonia.
Ohmium Announces Collaboration with SwitcH2 BV and BW Offshore for Floating Green Ammonia Plant.

Latest news

Jord has invested in SwitcH2 BV to jointly finalize the design of the 300 MW Offshore Floating Ammonia Project.
Switch2 and CorPower Ocean Partner on Wave-Powered Green Ammonia.
Ohmium Announces Collaboration with SwitcH2 BV and BW Offshore for Floating Green Ammonia Plant.
Underscoring our serious commitment to the development of offshore renewables in Portugal, SwitcH2 filed as first company its interest in the upcoming tenders for floating wind.